The title of this wide-ranging collection of essays in German and English summarises the scholarly work of Professor Michael Lattke across two hemispheres. Offered to him on the occasion of his retirement from the University of Queensland, this volume reflects the breadth of erudition for which he has acquired his international reputation. The Odes of Solomon, which figure largely in Professor Lattke’s research, are well represented here, and so too is the Gospel of John, which was the subject of his early research. However, the tributes of his colleagues and former students in this book range further — to other New Testament writings, Intertestamental works, Nag Hammadi, Gnostic, and Syriac studies, and the field of Patristics.
I should mention that Lattke's work on Odes of Solomon is going to be translated into English and published in the Hermeneia series.
Professors NEVER know what seeds they sow and what they will produce in the hearts of their students. Rest assured that professors have a noble job and do a noble service.