Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference
Opening Act of Worship in Greenside Parish Church
Monday 29th August at 8pm
This will be the first major theological conference I have ever attended (sadly such conferences are rather scarce in Brisbane, Australia). And what great speakers:
Tom Wright: Christian Origins
Don Carson: The Wrath of God
John Webster: The Attributes of God
Bruce McCormack: Barth's Doctrine of the Trinity
Donald Macleod: Pastoral Implications of our Doctrine of God
Henri Blocher: God and the cross
Pierre Berthould: Divine Compassion
Paul Helm: Calvin's God
Oliver Crisp: Jonathan Edwards God
Stephen Williams: The Sovereignty of God
Wright and Carson are two of my favourite authors (like chalk and cheese I know but I enjoy them both).
Have you ever heard NTW speak? So brisk (for the minds of mortals) yet so beautiful...