Tuesday, July 12, 2005

11th Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference

Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference

Opening Act of Worship in Greenside Parish Church
Monday 29th August at 8pm

This will be the first major theological conference I have ever attended (sadly such conferences are rather scarce in Brisbane, Australia). And what great speakers:

Tom Wright: Christian Origins
Don Carson: The Wrath of God
John Webster: The Attributes of God
Bruce McCormack: Barth's Doctrine of the Trinity
Donald Macleod: Pastoral Implications of our Doctrine of God
Henri Blocher: God and the cross
Pierre Berthould: Divine Compassion
Paul Helm: Calvin's God
Oliver Crisp: Jonathan Edwards God
Stephen Williams: The Sovereignty of God

Wright and Carson are two of my favourite authors (like chalk and cheese I know but I enjoy them both).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Have you ever heard NTW speak? So brisk (for the minds of mortals) yet so beautiful...
