Monday, July 18, 2005

Light blogging ahead for - the hour has come!

In less than 48 hrs I submit my thesis to the Uni of Queensland for printing and binding, and then, seven days or so later, it gets handed over for examination by two learned scholars somewhere in the world.

This means that I'll be on light blogging duties as I finish proof reading and completing two journal articles.

Thus, the hour has come for the Son of Bird to be handed over to the judgment of the examiners where they will either humiliate him or glorify him, or more likely, recommend a pass with minor corrections (I pray and hope).

So to all my friends in biblio-blog land - pray for me in many languages!

Thanks goes to Rick Strelan and Bob Webb for their supervision over the past three years and their help has been invaluable (perhaps I should have taken on board more of it?).

No matter what happens, minor corrections, a university medal, major corrections or resubmission, I say: soli deo gloria!!!

If my examiners are out there, remember: blessed are the merciful, for they shall attain mercy.


  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Best wishes and good luck!

  2. Any thoughts on the rather sharp blast from D C Sim, "The Gospel of Matthew and the Gentiles," JSNT 57 (1995), 19-48? It's certainly a far cry from much of the German heilsgeschicte business on the same topic a generation earlier...I think he's wrong, but how would YOU argue the case?
