I'm working my way through Thomas H. Tobin's, Paul's Rhetoric in its Contexts: The Argument of Romans. And soon, Nickelsburg on Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins. Thereafter, I've gonna get stuck into a backlog of Pauline stuff by Stephen Westerholm and Guy Waters. Probably a few RBL reviews thrown into the mix as well.
I'm also reading through a stack of articles (and actually getting through them) from various festschriften, themelios, CBQ, NTS and a very good article from RevQ about theological diversity in the Pauline epistles (I think Mark Goodacre had the link up for a while, but now I can't find it). I find it ironic that the kerygmatic theologians like Butlmann argued that Christians had no interest in Jesus' life but were fixated on the significance of his death and resurrection. Yet Bultmann's disciples, like Robinson and Koester, advocate that the earliest Christians had no interest in the cross and resurrection but focused on Jesus as a sapiential sage.
Please consider posting a review of Tobin's book when you're done. It's an excellent contribution to the Romans debate.