This reflects to me the power of the resurrected Son of God to save those who cannot save themselves. The man is a plain, average Joe (like us), he is powerless, and yet with what strength he does have he still holds on to the weapons of execution so he is guilty as a naked gun. The man's face is a mixture of pain, anguish and guilt. And the only thing that sustains him is the strength and grace of the risen Lord. Note, where blood has fallen, lilies are growing = new life begins!
Monday, November 07, 2005
"Forgiven" by Thomas Blackshear
One of my favourite pieces of contemporary Christian art (which I have a copy of on my desk) is Thomas Blacksher's Forgiven:

This reflects to me the power of the resurrected Son of God to save those who cannot save themselves. The man is a plain, average Joe (like us), he is powerless, and yet with what strength he does have he still holds on to the weapons of execution so he is guilty as a naked gun. The man's face is a mixture of pain, anguish and guilt. And the only thing that sustains him is the strength and grace of the risen Lord. Note, where blood has fallen, lilies are growing = new life begins!
This reflects to me the power of the resurrected Son of God to save those who cannot save themselves. The man is a plain, average Joe (like us), he is powerless, and yet with what strength he does have he still holds on to the weapons of execution so he is guilty as a naked gun. The man's face is a mixture of pain, anguish and guilt. And the only thing that sustains him is the strength and grace of the risen Lord. Note, where blood has fallen, lilies are growing = new life begins!
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This picture looks good but it is bad.
The guy holds a hammer and a nail, kind of a sending you a message "This is you. You killed Jesus. Yes, you have a hammer and a nail that Jesus was crucified with because your whole kin is sinful and unworthy, but Jesus will accept you and forgive you!"
Thats why its bad. It pretty much under the influence of the Church and "repent or die" attitude, which are in my opinion the worst things that came out of religion and killed that little freedom people had in themselves.
For me, this piece is a remarkable reminder of Jesus' love for us. It is a wonderful reminder to me that, had I been the only one in the whole history of this world that His death would have saved, He still would have done it, he loves me, and each of us, that much. Even though it is my sin that made his sacrifice necessary, He willingly died for me. This piece really makes me aware of the magnitude of His sacrifice and how amazingly blessed we are that He made it.
This man Jesus is holding is my father, the painting was done by Thomas Blackshear in 1992 and my dad passed away in 1999. My mom prayed that he would be forgiven for his sins and one day we walked into our local hallmark and there's this painting with Jesus holding a man who has a scar in the same place my dad did and wearing my father's work clothes and has his hair and we all just cried because the title of the painting is Forgiven. My mother's prayers had been answered!! This paiting means so much to my family!!
Me and my friends always called this picture Molesty Jesus. A friend of mine was given a post card from some church with this image on the cover and it sits in his music studio as comical inspiration.
This picture is amazing. I see that despite Jesus went to the cross because of our sins, He loves and forgives BECAUSE He has paid for them and lifts us up from where our own sin put us. With regard to rather negative comment up top. It was the life of "freedom" I had that I had to be picked up lff the floor like that. When a life of sin leads you to try slaying yourself you know full well that sin does indeed lead to death. It wasnt being a good person that made me attempt my own life. I for one am so very grrateful He took my sins on Himself and went to the cross, then made it all right just for trusting what He did for us. The thing is when you accept His love and forgiveness you no longer have to worry about repent or die. Your worry stops mostly. If you are perfect then you woukdnt be worried about it. But no one is except for HIM, I think it is pretty awsome a perfect God would take the punishment on Himself for people who hate Him. And when you receive forgiveness from Him yourself you learn to stop blaming everyine else too, when you are forgiven how can you blame otherfor their wrongs?
PS. the actualy basis of the Christian faith is repent and be saved, if there is no repentance then it is not Christian. Void point I am afraid...
@Sterling congratulations. you prove the Bible right... there will be mockers in the last days. And you say "Molesty Jesus." You need to read the Bible to see what Christ says about those who treat children bad. And is molestation something funny and to joke about in ANY situation. Now THAT is a worry, and from someone not in the Church too.
This picture was given to me by a great friend at a rme when life and my many addictive behaviors brought me to my lowest point. Jesus caught me. His redemption and forgiveness saves me. I am a different person now.
It's strange that it seems that almost everyone who has commented is projecting what they are going through or have gone through in life onto the painting. I for one, feel the weariness of the gentleman holding the hammer after a hard day's work. Having the support of the Christ is the best thing to happen in my life
I bought the large door sized re-print. I found this picture to be absolutely mesmerizing. I really like this paiting.
For those of you who think this is a joke or an insult or a bad influence .... then you miss the point. Each of us is the man with the hammer and nail. Christ is willing to forgive each of us just the same. We all sin. Christ is love. All who used his name over the years to do evil things are not real Christians. Many men have used religion as a way to control others. They were and are very evil men. Read the New Testament in the Bible. Do it just to prove me wrong. At least the first 4 books. The 5th one too if you are brave enough.
The minute I first saw this image in a Christian bookstore, it immediately spoke to me. (There is also a corresponding sculpture.)
It's a reminder that no matter what difficulties we are experiencing in life, Christ is right there behind us holding us up...even when we don't deserve it.
Wow! Got guilt?
You need to know more about Thomas Blacksher.
This picture is not church influenced but Christ Holy Spirit influenced.
You need to check yourself, satan is at your door and you seem more than willing to go with him than repent.
"Repent or die" was preached more by Jesus than anyone else in the B.I.B.L.E.
If you care to read and learn...
I wonder if you would be emboldened enough to speak in such a way of muhammad the muslim pedophile?
I don't think so because you and your circle of friends are cowards.
I will ask Christ God Jesus to help me to pray for you. Because, I do not have any good thoughts towards you and your ilk.
Humm... Brave enough?!
This is so true. It wasn't until I was fed up with church doctrine and dogma, holy rollers saying I was damned, muslims telling me what was wrong with the gospels, and atheists searching for answers from aliens in the sky... It wasn't until I became brave enough to sit quietly and actually read the four gospels, the book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament with wisdom from God the Holy Spirit, was I able to finally see the TRUTH...
"I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me."
(John 14:6)
Why don't u have any post
I need Micheal f bird to plz contact me it is very important to my studys of Christ an his message that this man painted to reach me one day plz contact me I would love your to understand more clear I have visions dreams of his face an my family thinks I'm just is like they just don't care I live in the bible belt I need some understanding thank u love u all God bless thank for this blogg an just everything
I need Micheal f bird to plz contact me it is very important to my studys of Christ an his message that this man painted to reach me one day plz contact me I would love your to understand more clear I have visions dreams of his face an my family thinks I'm just is like they just don't care I live in the bible belt I need some understanding thank u love u all God bless thank for this blogg an just everything
Such a powerful picture. Thank you Jesus for saving me! Without you I am nothing
After the brutal murder of my firstborn son in 2013 I was listening to a song for comfort and images came flashing past. This image stopped me breathless. This is a spitting image of my son. I can't attach a photo here but anyone can Google Peet du Plooy and see him. It was supreme comfort.
This painting shows the depth of forgiveness Jesus has...he will even forgive those who drove the nails into His hands and feet.
"Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do."
Luke 23:34
My mama was diagnosed with stage 4 liver disease in August 2017 from fatty liver disease. She went into hospice August 3rd 2017, that day she sat me down I'm the youngest of her 3 children my brother 52, my sister 42 and I was 32 at the time. She asked of me that day to write her Eulogy, to do her makeup and organize her funeral arrangements. Now me being the youngest of the 3 of us, I was somewhat shocked that she requested this of me. I went home that evening and prayed for god to give me strength to do what she had asked of me and that if he would there would never be anyone I come to pass with that I didn't speak his name. That if he heard my prayer if he would give me a sign, Amen.
The next morning my husband and I woke up and got dressed to go see my mom at hospice, we we're coming through town and I asked him to stop so I could get some pictures printed off that I had recently taken of my sweet mama. I walked up to the machine, slipped my SD card in selected my photos all of me and mama and our kids and mama and when they finished printing the first photo was a photo of my mom the third of my kids and my mom and in between the 2 was the photo above, I had never seen this photo before neither had my husband. I was in awe, I fell to my knees crying. God had sent me a answer to my prayer. In my darkest time of my life God showed himself and said I am your strength in this time of weakness
Absolutely...Forgive & You Shall Also be Forgiven...... We are the lost sheep of our Shepherd...God = Jesus Christ....FORGIVEN.
Oh My.... What a Blessing....What Truth...& Light... even when we think we can't take anymore God will never give us any more than we can handle it is written
I’ve kept a copy of this painting on my bathroom mirror for the last 10 years. It reminds me that
- I’m way more sinful than I can possibly understand, and
- God is more gracious than I could ever dare to imagine
I’ve kept a copy of this painting on my bathroom mirror for the last 10 years. It reminds me that
- I’m way more sinful than I can possibly understand, and
- God is more gracious than I could ever dare to imagine
THis picture is at the front of our worship hall at church. Then I found it online and ordered on for my Daughter and I. Looks like me just a few months ago, before Jesus saved me from myself.
Jesus came to pay a debt that he did not owe, because we owe a debt that we cannot pay!
Love this image.reminds me the day i turned my life over to God.everyday i mess up i ask forgiveness and repent and try my best to do better.i am forgiven and i feel bad for those people making smart comments
Amen Brothers and Sisters!! Jesus saves!!!
This picture is me. I cursed him mocked him joked with my friends about Him and the Bible. I was full of hate for all believing people. I believed it was my job to inform people how stupid they were to believe such hogwash. I would say that I didn't believe and yet when I was in a jail cell or in front of a judge guess what I did. . . I prayed. Go figure. When I was in treatment for drug addiction I ended up in a Salvation Army treatment centre. I wanted answers. I prayed God I don't know if you are who they You say are, all I know is, I need help. The rest is a long story but after watching The Gospel Road and seeing Jesus die after survi ing a brutal beating that should have killed Him I thought if this is true it is mind blowing that He would do that for me. That was 38 years ago and I haven't looked back. I couldn't imagine the life I have now. To the mockery who just don't understand that kind of love and sacrifice I would ask you to give it a try. You will be amazed. You can only know if you try is. Believing is seeing not the other way around. Give it a shot. What have you got to lose!!
Hey, its Molesty Jesus!!!!
I havent seen this in years. I got in an argument with someone about it... and it may not be molesty... it might be consensual but either way its a sexy picture.
This picture represents a person who is tired from life of work and everything else life threw at him. Jesus is saying, I gave you I am not letting you go!
Just came out of a catechism class and this picture immediately came to mind.
“Ultimately, even though the Father permitted this act, it’s only truthful to say that all who have sinned are guilty of shedding the blood of Christ.‘
Wait. I don’t follow. What does it mean I am guilty? I wasn’t there. I was confused.
But then it is explained later that Jesus sacrificed himself for us to be forgiven of our sins. We are guilty not in the sense of we condemning him to death at that moment, or asking for his crucifixion or hammering the nails in. We are because if it were not for our sinful nature, Jesus would not have to go through it.
The picture captures that guilt masterfully with the hammer and nail in our sinner hands.
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