Wednesday, April 29, 2009
New Podcast Programme: Solum Evangelium
Monday, April 27, 2009
Latest Issue of Themelios
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Book Notice: The Word Leaps the Gap
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Debates on Biblical Theology
Friday, April 24, 2009
Horton on Reformed View of the Eucharist
It's the best non-NT book I've read for a while!
Et tu Trueman
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Interview with Trevin Wax
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Endorsements for "Are You the One Who is to Come?"
"Michael Bird has written one of the clearest and most compelling treatments of Jesus and the messianic question that I have read. Ancient literature and modern literature are alike handled with great expertise and excellent judgment. Readers will find no long-winded, specious theories propounded here. On the contrary, this book lays out the evidence fairly and with economy and then consistently reaches sensible conclusions. In the end, Bird goes where the evidence takes him, concluding that Jesus understood himself as Israel's Messiah, which explains the nature of the name of the movement that arose in the aftermath of Easter. I recommend this book highly."--Craig A. Evans, Acadia Divinity College
Elizabeth Achtemeier and God's Word
Beware of Exploding Wolfs - New Creation and Sanctification
Trevin Wax Reviews "Introducing Paul"
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Church of Scotland and Gay Ministers
Lecture on the Royal Psalms
Part 1
Monday, April 20, 2009
Michael Horton on the Sacraments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Leaving Behind the "Left Behind" series
SBTS Wright Review Panel
Two final observations:
Update: See Cel Joseph's review as well.
Michael Gorman - Inhabiting the Cruciform God
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Review of N.T. Wright's new book at SBTS
More SROG reviews
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gal. 3.13-14 and 4.5-6
Redemption (3.13) // Redemption (4.5)
blessing/Spirit (3.14) // sonship/Spirit (4.6)
Peter Leithart on Abraham
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Rod Liddle on the COE
HT: Jason Hood
Monday, April 13, 2009
Michael Horton on the Marks of the Church
Christian Prophets and the Jesus Tradition
Saturday, April 11, 2009
N.T. Wright - Stop Trivializing Easter
Here's the final quote:
You have to love this stuff!
Lynn Cohick: Resurrection in Ephesians
Friday, April 10, 2009
My Top Three Easter Sunday Songs
He is risen, he is risen indeed!
Good Friday Meditation on Hebrews 2: Jesus and Tabasco Sauce
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Gospel Audiences: Martin Hengel
That's My King!
Forthcoming Tyndale House Events
1. The Bible and recent discoveries
Saturday 25 April 2009 at Tyndale House, Cambridge
Dr Martin Heide, University of Marburg
10.30-12.15, The Old Testament and recent discoveries I
12.15-13.15, lunch (lunch provided for all who send booking with payment by 18 April)
13.15-14.45, The Old Testament and recent discoveries II
14.45-15.15, tea
15.15-17.00, The New Testament and recent discoveries
2. Responding to Secularism: Christian Witness in a Dogmatic Public Culture
Friday 24th April 2009, 10.00am – 5.00pm, Tyndale House, Cambridge
.. TRACING secularism from its origins to current developments
.. DEFINING the secularist worldview and its depiction of religion
.. ENGAGING secularist public policies and polemics

3. The John Wenham Lecture 2009: “The Perspicuity of Scripture”
RBL Reviews
Justin K. Hardin
Galatians and the Imperial Cult: A Critical Analysis of the First-Century Social Context of Paul's Letter
Reviewed by Wilhelm Pratscher
Daniel M. Gurtner and John Nolland, eds.
Built upon the Rock: Studies in the Gospel of Matthew
Reviewed by J. Christopher Edwards
Ephraim Radner
Reviewed by Leigh Trevaskis
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Michael Ruse: Making Room for Faith in an Age of Science
Martin Hengel on the NT Text in the Second Century
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Sumney on the Church/Empire Tension
Monday, April 06, 2009
HTC gets new Principal
Highland Theological College UHI appoints new Principal
Following a search and selection process, the Board of Governors of Highland Theological College UHI has unanimously approved the appointment of Acting Principal Hector Morrison as Principal of the College, with immediate effect.
In an announcement to staff today, Chairman of the Board of Governors, the Reverend Alexander Murray, said, “Always passionate about theological education, Hector is committed to wanting the best for his students. He has a very clear vision for the future of HTC as an independent constituent college in its role within the UHI network. In the best sense of the term, Hector is a ‘godly’ person and minister and, as a capable academic, theologian and leader, has a wealth of experience to bring to the role of Principal. We look forward to working with Hector as he leads HTC forward to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.”
Hector gained the degrees of BSc, BD and MTh from Glasgow University. He is a Church of Scotland minister, having worked in parishes in Glasgow, the Western Isles and Lochalsh. Along with the Reverend Professor Andrew McGowan, he founded Highland Theological College and has been its Vice Principal since its inception in 1994. With research interests particularly in the discipline of Biblical Studies, most of his teaching concentrates on Old Testament and Hebrew. As well as his teaching commitments, Hector has been a key figure within the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences faculty of UHI. He is Subject Network Leader in Theology & Religious Studies for UHI and also has responsibilities for Academic Management, Quality Assurance and Enhancement and Subject Reviews, amongst other things.
Hector has been Acting Principal at HTC since the former Principal, Andrew McGowan, left in January to become minister of the East Church in Inverness
Sunday, April 05, 2009
German Commentaries on the New Testament
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Friday is for Ad Fontes: Hellenistic Synagogal Prayers
Prayer 1 (AposCon 7.26-1-3) reads:
Then after communion, you shall give thanks in this way:
We give thanks to you, O God and Father of Jesus our Savior
on behalf of your holy name which you caused to encamp among us,
and on behalf of the knowledge and faith adn love and immortality which you gave to us through Jesus your Son.
O Master Almighty, the God of the universe.
you created the world and what is in it through him
and you planted deeply in our souls a law;
and you prepared for me in the things (necessary) for communion;
(you are) the God of the holy and blameless ones, our fathers Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, your faithful servantts;
the power God, the faithful and true One, without falsehood in your promises;
the One who sent forth upon earth Jesus your Christ, to live together with me as a man, being divine Word and Man, radically to destroy error.
(trans. D.R. Darnell).