Sunday, November 20, 2005

SBL continued

Today included breaky at Dunk'n'Donuts which was packed with most of Philadelphia's police force.

First session this morning was the bibliobloggers with papers from Jim Davilla and Rick Brannan - pretty good session about the pros and cons of blogging; and something about women not being involved due to some apparent moat created by naming the community bibliobloggers (don't ask, I don't understand it myself).

Next session was Mapping Memory with Horsley, Kelber and Thatcher - not bad. I agree that the old Form Criticism stuff needs to be throne out, but I'm waiting to see the value of the stuff to come for "social memory theory".

Something I've failed to mention is that I've spent some time with Brandon Wason lately (good young guy) which has been good; and also met Michael Pahl. I had lunch with Bob and Pat Webb. Later on I had drinkies with Joel Willitts and James Crossley, and James and I are planning on getting our own TV show on the BBC: Bird, Crossley and the Question of God.

Later on was the Hendrickson and Scottish Uni's reception which were great and I met a whole heap of scholars like Bruce Longenecker and Paul Forster.

Tomorrow is the Acts session; and apparently Stan Porter is writing in the NIGTC volume on the Book of Acts. Must buy shoes, postcards and presents for my wife and kids.

So many guys have their wives here (like Bob Webb with Pat) and I wish my wife was here too!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the complement of calling me a "good young guy"!
