Monday, January 30, 2006

New Books to Read

I just got my copies of N.T. Wright, Paul: Fresh Perspectives and Michael J. Gorman, Apostle of the Crucified Lord. Gorman's short sections on rhetoric and the theo-political nature of Paul's gospel are excellent little summaries of the topics for undergrads.

I've also photocopied Scot McKnight, "The Warning Passages of Hebrews: A Formal Analysis and Theological Conclusion,", TrinJ 13 (1992): 21-59 - as I hope my NT 101 class will write a paper on the warning passages in Hebrews next semester. I wasn't sure about Grudem's response in Still Sovereign, but re-reading both will be interesting.


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Since I just tossed my two cents in about the last post, I thought I might as well throw in a few more! Have you seen the treatment in Caneday and Schreiner's THE RACE SET BEFORE US? It's a great read, whether you agree with them or not?

    Nate Mihelis

  2. I know Ardel and his book is a good one. Probably a better response to McKnight than Grudem's article.

  3. If you need a response to my article, I'd be more than willing to respond!
