On the topic of New Years resolutions and goals for the year (see also Sean Winter) I always take great inspiration from reading Jonathan Edwards Resolutions which marks out his goals for life. It is something I read every year to keep me fresh in my pursuit of godliness and professional excellence for the cause of Jesus Christ.
Otherwise, my goals for the year include:
- Write two books, one on Jesus and one on Paul.
- Write three journal articles on the Historical Jesus and the parting of the ways, diversity in early Christianity, and the Marcan community.
- Write an essay on Mark and power in weakness for a volume.
- Read all of the books I purchased at SBL.
- Give earnest attention to the spiritual and academic development of my students.
- Present papers at ETS and SBL and attend Tyndale conference
- Not to go to bed without praying first
- Not to have breakfast without reading my Bible first
- To commit myself to the growth of Christians in the church in which I serve
ReplyDeleteAll are admirable goals. May God give you the strength to attain all of them this year and in the years to come.
Michael, you are ambitious. Two books this year? Maybe you won't be going to bed at all.
ReplyDeleteMay God give you grace and strength to achieve your objectives.
I appreciate the presence of both professional and spiritual goals. May God grant you the grace you'll need to excel in both areas.
ReplyDeleteYou say 'power in weakness for a volume', I will be interested to see this, I have read Marva Dawn and T.Savage on this, let me know when it is written if you will.
ReplyDeletePray in the morning and read the Bible at night. You'll run the risk, as I did myself, of turning the morning session into exegesis!
Here's an old wisdom: we need to learn to read the Bible, not to discover something new, but to be reminded of something old. We scholars are always on the prowl for something new -- but need we be?