Friday, February 10, 2006

Wright's new debating technique: Violence!

Can you name a use for this cartoon featuring Tom Wright kapowing Marc Borg and Dom Crossan? Let me get the ball rolling:

1. Tom Wright's blogger Icon
2. The new cover for the Fortress edition of The Resurrection of Jesus: John Dominic Crossan and N.T. Wright in Dialogue.
3. A diagram explainig Tom Wright's rebuttal strategy for SBL in 2006.

I got the cartoon from Justin Junkins at Pisteuo.

Hmm, I wonder if I could insert a picture of Wright giving Bultmann an uppercut to the chin? Or maybe Tom slapping Richard Dawkins in the face with a big piece of Barramundi!

Interpretation: I think this drawing is a projection of someone's internalised hero myth, where a primeval (yet strangely postmodern) champion arises to fight and win the religious battle against a perceived enemy. Well, we all like to have heroes don't we!

To quote Bertolt Brect (Galileo):
"Unhappy a land with no Hero"
"Unhappy a land that needs a hero"
I think that sums it up.

Otherwise, I shall now observe a NT Wright moratorium for the next month!


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I'll own up - that's my drawing of N T Wright that I doodled while attending one of his Didsbury Lectures in October 2005.

    I have a few more stashed away somewhere that I'll post on my blog in the next few days or so :)

  2. I like option two the best.

  3. Anonymous3:01 AM

    I saw that cartoon on your blog Steven last Oct/Nov - I sent it to a friend of mine because we both belong to his fan club. (yeah right eh Mike) I hope you don't mind...

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Steph - use the cartoons entirely at your discretion, they're in the public domain.

    I might frame the originals and put them up for sale on E-bay for some quick cash though ;)

  5. How about one of him ducking, evading and running away from certain people not associated with the Jesus Seminar? ;-)
