Monday, March 20, 2006

Latest issue of JETS Dec 2005

Several of the more interesting JETS article include:

Grant R. Osborne, "Historical Narrative and Truth in the Bible".

David DeGraaf, "Some Doubts about Doubt: The New Testament Use of DIAKRINO"

J. Bergman Kline, "The Day of the Lord in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ"

Scot McKnight with R. Boaz Johnson, "From Tel Aviv to Nazareth: Why Jews Become Messianic Jews".

There are some good book reviews too, memorable one's included:

Delbert Burkett, Rethinking the Gospel Sources (Michael Pahl).
James Crossley, The Date of Mark's Gospel (John P. Harrison).
L. Scott Kellum, Unity of the Farewell Discourse (Edward Klink III).
D.A. Carson, et al, Justification and Variegated Nomism 2 (A. Andrew Das).
I.H. Marshall, NT Theology: Many Witnesses, One Gospel (Robert Yarbrough).
Eckhard Schnabel, Early Christian Mission (Joel F. Williams).


  1. Eckhard Schnabel, Early Christian Mission - an absolute treasure. I was rather surprised to find the original German a relatively normal to bigish looking one volume. I'm not sure how the English version manages to fill two very large volumes.

  2. Do you need to be and "evangelical" to contribute to JETS? I see that a book review of James Crossley's was included in the last edition.

  3. The book reviewed was The Date of Mark's Gospel by Crossley, but the reviewer was John P. Harrison, who is at Oklahoma Christian University. You need to be a member of ETS to contribute, and you need to affirm inerrancy and the orthodox Trinity to be a member of ETS.
