I've just received the word from Paternoster that my volume on Paul has been accepted for the Paternoster Biblical Monographs series. The volume is entitled:
The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification, and the New Perspective
Here is the outline (to date):
The Riddle of "Righteousness"
"Raised for our Justification"
Incorporated Righteousness
When the Dust Finally Settles: Reaching a Post-New Perspective Perspective.
Righteousness as Forensic Declaration and Covenant Inclusion
Justification to the "Doers of the Law"?
A Bibliography of the New Perspective
I am already eager to read it. You are the wind beneath my wings :)
ReplyDeleteLooks good! And it looks like you're going to need an extra dose of insomnia to keep up with all your writing and presenting commitments! :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff! From your articles that I've already read, I can say that I like your take on things, but also your 'bridge-building' style. I hope this is well received.
ReplyDeleteThe really big question is, what will the cover look like?
ReplyDeleteI suggest the "artwork" of Wright taking on Crossan and Borg for consideration for the cover. Thought not a perfect match with the contents, it's close enough and was masterfully composed :-)
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, perhaps the artist could be enlisted to do a similar rendering of Mike :-)
Regards JB Hood's question, I suggest break new ground: Bung a bikini clad Claudia Schiffer on the front cover - bound to sell more than a stuffy picture of the Apostle Paul or the like.
ReplyDeleteA fighting redhead on the cover is just the ticket, I suspect. And you should be the one in a bikini, just to throw everyone off completely. Course then you'd kiss tenure goodbye at HTC...but your sales might be good enough so that it wouldn't matter.
ReplyDeleteYou also might consider tattooing "righteousness or dikaiosune" on your forehead or around your neck.
BTW, are you going to drop the (unbiblical--Rev 19:7-8)last sentence of "incorporated righteousness"? (An otherwise great essay!)
"Righteousness as forensic declaration and covenant inclusion"
ReplyDeleteI am very interested in hearing this argument. Can you give a short comment on what you mean by "covenant inclusion" here?
Great news, Mike. I'll look forward to reading it!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, since you'll already have done a volume on Jesus and one on Paul, I'm assuming next year you'll give us a book on John? ;-)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! I look forward to reading your book.
ReplyDeleteSean Leroy: "righteousness" is a complex topic in the OT and Paul, but I do examine dikaiosyne theou (as God's savign action) and dikaioo (as forensic).
ReplyDeleteChris Bruno: Justification implies that a person is part of the new covenant community. Note, Paul jumps from food/fellowship in Gal 2.11-14 to justification and works in 2.15-21 - there has to be some connection. In JVN II, the article by Silva concurs. Otherwise, check out the next issue of Tyndale Bulletin for more. Of course, justication cannot be reduced to covenant status - that's clear from Romans 5 and James 2.
USpatriot: No idea, hopefully before Nov this year, but it depends on Paternoster. I'm hoping to submit the volume by end of July.
Andy: I met Doug at SBL, nice guy (for a Kiwi!), after I read Westerholm, I'm getting stuck into his book on Pauls gospel
Here is the cover for your book. the normal cover for the paternoster biblical monograph series is much too dull. it needs to be spiced up. hopefully you like it.
ReplyDeleteIs that red head Michael Bird or the Apostle Paul? :-) Seems to remind me of another similitude between Wright and Paul.
ReplyDeleteis it bird or paul...let the speculation begin...
ReplyDeletei was really hoping to get the bird's opinion on this. hopefully he'll be over the chicken pox soon.