Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Blogs VII

On my blog roll I've added some blogs including the following:

Ek Thesis by Michael Leary. Michael is a TEDS graduate doing his Ph.D at New College Edinburgh.

Sibboleth by James Daniel Kirk who has just been appointed to Biblical Seminary in Philly.

Justin Jenkin's Pisteuo has moved to a new address.

Boanerges by Nathan Milhelis is up and running too.

Between Two Worlds by Justin Taylor contains posts from a conservative Reformed Baptist blogger.

Suzanne's Bookshelf by Suzanne McCarthy who comes from an evangelical-egalitarian perspective.


  1. Mike,

    I count it an honor to be on your blog role! I have read your blog with great profit since I started blogging (I even went back through the archives while you were down with chicken pox). I hope we can meet in person in the future at ETS or SBL, perhaps for lunch.


  2. Nate, sure thing. Send me an email around Sept-Oct and we'll organize something.
