Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Caird on Luke and the Gentile Mission

I'm currently working on an paper/article for EABS and looking at the origins of the Gentile mission in the early church. My doctoral research focused on Jesus and the Gentiles so it's kinda of like doing "Episode II" from my point of view. Here's a good quote from George Caird that I like:

In all this Luke is undoubtedly preserving the authentic quality of primitive Christianity. If he had been disposed to read back into the age he was describing the characteristics of the age in which he wrote, we should presumably have had from him a story of a mission planned and directed from Jerusalem by the Twelve. But of such ecclesiastical theory there is not a trace in his narrative.

G.B. Caird, The Apostolic Age (London: Duckworth, 1955), 66; see also Marin Hengel, Between Jesus and Paul (London: SCM, 1983), 55.

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