Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Highland Theological College News

I have two pieces of great new about my own institution the Highland Theological College.

First, HTC has been approved by the Aberdeen University Senate to offer a M.Th in Reformed Theology. I'm excited about that as I hope soon to teach a course on "The Interpretation of Romans in the Reformed Tradition: Calvin to Cranfield". This topic reminds of me of a witty remark by Stephen Westerholm about C.E.B. Cranfield to the effect that Cranfield is the ideal interpreter of Romans since he "speaks Greek with a Genevan accent!"

Second, after deliberations late this afternoon the
Church of Scotland has formally accredited HTC as an institution for training ministers of the Word and Sacrament. That is a big win for both HTC and the COS in the Highlands and Islands. This is the first time the COS has accredited an institution to the role since 1929. HTC as part of UHI MI now stands with Glasgow University, New College Edinburugh, St. Andrews University and Aberdeen University of recognized providers of theological education for the COS.

Read the BBC Report to get more on the significance of the decision.


  1. Good news on both fronts- though, you know don't you, that Calvin wasn't the first Reformed theologian who interpreted Romans!

  2. Nor was Cranfield the last! So to satisfy both Jim and me, you could always change the title to:

    "The Interpretation of Romans in the Reformed Tradition: Zwingli to Barth."


  3. Congrats on both accounts! Sounds pretty good.

  4. Anonymous11:10 PM

    congratulations Mike!

  5. Interesting...will HTC now be able to train women for ordination?

  6. Just to comment on Dave's question: this is part of the deal. Women CofS candidates will have to be accepted as students at HTC if they wish to go there - this was discussed at the General Assembly debate, and liberals asked at least two questions about HTC and the role of females within the college. Of course, will such candidates choose HTC? Interesting times...

  7. Very glad to hear both of these things. As a postgrad at Aberdeen I'm particularly glad the department and the Uni shared your vision, and as someone concerned about the training of ministers in the CoS, I'm very glad to see the options opened further.
