The latest issue of TynBul is available soon, here's the contents:
New Exodus and No Exodus in Jeremiah 26-45: Promise and Warning to the Exiles in Babylon
Gary Yates (Liberty University, Virginia)
Pistis Christou in Galatians 2:16: Clarification from 3:1-6
Debbie Hunn (Dallas Theological Seminary)
Method and Old Testament Theology: Barr, Brueggemann, and Goldingay Considered
Tim Meadowcroft (Bible College of New Zealand, Waitakere)
The Glory of God in Salvation Through Judgment: The Centre of Biblical Theology?
James M. Hamilton Jr. (Southwestern Seminary, Houston)
Josephus' Retelling of 1 Kings 1 for a Graeco-Roman Audience
Christopher Begg (Catholic University of America)
Justification as Forensic Declaration and Covenant Membership: A Via Media Between Reformed and Revisionist Readings of Paul
Michael F. Bird (Highland Theological College, Dingwall)
Codex, Roll, and Libraries in Oxyrhynchus
Don C. Barker (Macquarie University, Sydney)
Mark 16:8 and Plato, Protagoras 328d
Nicholas Denyer (Trinity College, Cambridge)
Dissertation Summaries
A Study of 2 Timothy 4:1-8: The Contribution of Epistolary Analysis and Rhetorical Criticism
Craig A. Smith (Trinity College, Bristol)
Wealth and Wisdom in Matthew 6:19-34
Batara Sihombing (Abdi Sabda Theological Seminary, Medan, Indonesia)
The Leading of the Spirit and the Curse of the Law: Reassessing Paul's Response to the Galatian Crisis
Todd A. Wilson (College Church, Wheaton, Illinois)
Hey, I preached with Tim Meadowcroft back in the day. He's quite fun, and quite a good OT dude...