Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Latest SBET

The latest issue of the Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology is out and here are the contents:

Discipleship and Obedience
John Webster

Thomas Chalmers (1780-1847) and the 1843 Disruption: from Theological to Political Clash
Claire Puglisi Kaczmarek

Sufficiency of the Cross (I): The Crucifixion as Jesus' Act of Obedience
J.R. Daniel Kirk

Arguing with Annihilationism: An Assessment of the Doctrinal Arguments for Annihilationism.
Andy Saville


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Thanks for the chin up on this. I don't suppose you've got a scanned or e-copy of this edition. I've love a few of the articles and neither St Andrews or Edinburgh uni carry it. WHY? WHY? WHY? Enjoying your posts... as always. Please say hi to Jamie for me. I will try to get up there at some stage. Love Inverness.

  2. Hear, Hear! It should definitely be carried by every major research library in the world!

    -J. R. Daniel Kirk
