Friday, June 09, 2006

2006 Scottish Postgraduate Conference - NT Papers

At the recent Scottish Postgrad Conference there were some interesting papers at the NT session including:

Judy Diehl (Edinburgh)
Character Development in John 17 and the Farewell Discourses

Mark DeNeui (Aberdeen)
The Body-Metaphor in Greco-Roman Usage

Scot Becker (Aberdeen)
The Resumption of Biblical Narrative in Luke and 1 Maccabees

Rohintan Mody (Aberdeen)
The Relationship Between Daimonia and Idolatry in 1 Cor. 10.20

Joseph R. Dodson (Aberdeen)
The Personification of Creation in Wisdom of Solomon and Romans

Micahel Leary (Edinburgh)
Book Culture in Early Christianity: Text, Technology, and Early Christian Theology

But without doubt the highlight of the day was the panel discussion and seeing Simon Gathercole talk into a lamp that he thought was a microphone.


  1. Hi Michael,

    I am interested in Michael Leary's article on Book culture in Early christianity. Is it possible for you to post a copy of his article in your blog? Or let me know please how I can get hold of the same. Many thanks.


  2. Tony, go to Michael's blog Ekthesis (on my sidebar) and email him from there.

  3. Confusing a lamp for a microphone? That's funny. Good papers.
