Thursday, June 01, 2006

New Books - 1

Westminster John Knox has a new book list and the interesting volumes include:

Charles B. Cousar, An Introduction to the New Testament: Witnesses to God's New Work

Francois Bovon, The Last Days of Jesus

M. Eugene Boring, Mark: A Commentary (NTL)

Luke Timothy Johnson, Hebrews: A Commentary (NTL)

James G. Crossley, Why Christianity Happened: A Sociohistorical Account of Christian Origins (26-50 CE)

Shaye J. D. Cohen, From Maccabees to the Mishnah

Anne Loades & Robert MacSwain, The Truth-Seeking Heart: An Austin Farrer Reader

Wayne A. Meeks, Christ is the Question

Tom Wright, The Scriptures, The Cross and the Power of God


- Cousar's NT commentary should be interesting, although I'm also waiting to see the one by Kostenberger and Quarles before I put away DeSilva. I tend to think that a NT Intro is good for about 5-7 years before it becomes dated, unless it gets revized regularly like Bob Gundry's.

- Johnson on Hebrews, should be good. I like anything he writes.

- Crossley on Christian Origins, well, I can feel an extended review article coming on prior to our melee next year on the topic.


  1. Why do you think a NT Intro is only good for 5-7 years?

  2. Cause a better and more up to date one usually comes along in that time.

  3. I say give him a kicking (Crossley not Dave that is). I'll probably help if you ask nicely

  4. Do you think better is based on stylistic and literary merit, or do you mean (as I suspect) that better and up to date is based on archaeological/textual/cultural etc evidence from NT times
