Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sexuality in the Bible

For those in denominations fighting over issues pertaining sexuality and the Bible in the PCUSA, United Methodist Church, or the Episcopalian Church (or is it Episgaypalian, I can't remember anymore?) you may find resources by Dr. Robert Gagnon especially helpful. His book The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics (Nashville: Abingdon, 2001) is simply the best one around. I can honestly say that I have never seen a book with so many endorsements from top scholars inside the dusk cover (from Moo to Aune!). Otherwise, more recently, there is Thomas R. Schreiner, "A New Testament Perspective on Homosexuality," Themelios 31 (2006): 62-75.


  1. A very serious treatment of the topic from an exegetical perspective:

    Out of Order: Homosexuality in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, Donald J. Wold, Baker 1998

  2. I heard Dr. Gagnon speak last year on this subject. He is very articulate in stating the biblical case against homosexuality. Highly suggest his book!
