Monday, August 07, 2006

CBA Was Extremely Productive

My time at the CBA meetings yesterday was very good. The interview over the topics of Satan and Messianic Prophecy lasted over two hours. The interview was definitely a very interesting experience beginning with the make-up session before going on camera. And although I had been given the questions a couple of days before the interview, it was also a very challenging experience; I am hoping that I did not say anything that was completely false, misleading or just plain stupid. The process is slightly awkward as the interviewer is off camera asking you questions and you have to respond with declarative statements. Thankfully, the producers were very pleased with the interview and were very encouraging. The documentary probably will come out sometime later this year on something like the National Geographic or Discovery channels.

After the interview I presented a paper that was essentially a synopsis of my doctoral dissertation. My thesis was on the question of the identity of the ‘lost sheep of the house of Israel’ in Matthew 10:6 & 15:24. The paper was well-received and this was extremely encouraging to me, not least because a Matthean scholar of the likes of Daniel Harrington was present. I spent about an hour afterward with a scholar named Scott W. Hahn in a nice discussion over various topics related to paper. The interaction was significant because he has been thinking along similar lines.

I really enjoyed CBA. Next year it is in Santa Clara, CA – perhaps I will attempt to go.

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