Friday, August 04, 2006

My Inaugural Blog

Let me begin by saying a special thanks to Michael for the opportunity to partner with him at Euangelion. I have been following the blog since its inception, but have declined his invitation to join in for months. I promised him that after I completed my Ph.D. and survived my Viva I would consider it. So here I am.

I briefly thought of beginning my own blog a while back, but two things hindered me. First, I didn't think anyone would read it. And second, Mike beat me to the punch: honestly -- and this is a little scary -- had I thought up a blog, I would have named it something like Euangelion and given it the same kind of tag: A Post-Modern Blog on New Testament Studies, Christian Origins and Following Jesus -- in fact, I might be more 'post-modern' than Mike is. .

So, Mike's invitation to join the blog, then, is a fantastic solution for me: he has created a readership and I can identify and contribute to this blog. Cool!

I am going to blog over the next week on my dissertation which I recently completed at Cambridge University. I worked under both Markus Bockmuehl and Peter Head. Both of these men have left an indelible imprint on me as a Christian and as a scholar. I will always be a huge fan of both these guys.

More later.


  1. Welcome to blogging.

    I have written a paper on Is 54.1 in Gal 4.27 which I am probably presenting this year at SBL (because someone else cancelled) and you are one of the three people in the world have very very well on that passage.

    I am a regular reader of your fellow North Park professor Scot McKnight's JesusCreed blog and this one.

    It will be great to see your contribution.

    Andy Rowell
    Taylor University
    Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry Department
    Blog: Church Leadership Conversations

  2. Joel since you touch on the Messiah and the Land in Matthew in your thesis, is Lebanon part of Eretz Israel and if so does that support Israel's inalienable right in God's design to re-conquer the land as in Joshua?

  3. Welcome aboard.

    Your article on methodology in Jesus research was excellent. I'm eager to read your future posts. I'm also interested to see how your post-modernism (which you say exceeds your co-blogger's) comes into play.

    It's great to have you aboard an already wonderful blog. I'm sure this will be a wonderful addition.


    Michael Barber
    John Paul the Great Catholic University
    Theology, Scripture and Catholic Thought

  4. Joel, not sure if Mike remembers but I almost did my dissertation on Land-related issues in Matthew (Mt 5.5 etc). What are you going to teach the young lads/lasses about Israel/eretz/gh/Lebanon this fall?

    BTW, it's pretty easy to be more pomo than Mike...remember, his blog is post-postmodern...or was before you arrived!

  5. Welcome Joel,

    I am sure you will be a fine addition to this blog. Just curious: Cubs or White Sox?

  6. It better be Cubs or tenure is in jeopardy!

  7. Anonymous8:43 PM

    It's worse . . . the Yankees! I come by it honestly though as I was born in Jersey. As for Sox or Cubs I cheer for both--it is possible--except when they play the Yanks--This week the Yanks are in town and I am going Thurs night!!

  8. You have got to be kidding! Wow. You won't last long in Chi-town . . . especially with the Wild Card Race the AL has cooking! If the Yanks get the wild card, it looks like another sub-way series.

  9. The Yanks! That's it ... I'm never reading this blog again ... how could someone who "says" they love Jesus support a Steinbrenner owned team?! See ya.
