It's that time of year again where I must ponder what assessment ventures to set before my undergrads. Something that will challenge their thinking and stimulate their minds about the New Testament as both History and Scripture. Well, this is what I'v chosen this year:
NT Introduction
What are the warning passages in Hebrews warning against?
What is the centre of New Testament Theology?
“Romans 14.1-15.13 is a manifesto for unity in the ethnically diverse house churches in Rome.” Discuss.
Who is the “I” and “wretched man” of Romans 7:7-25?
Write an exegesis paper on Romans 11.25-32.
Write an exegesis paper on Romans 16.1-7.
Exploring other Faiths
Judaism: ‘Who are God’s People in the Middle East?’
1 Corinthians
Is the resurrection body of believers the same as the resurrection body of Christ according to the Corinthian correspondence?
How about an exegesis paper on Galatians 5:16-18, one of the most misunderstood passages in the NT (along with Romans 7)??