Sunday, September 24, 2006

Fox now has a Christian Movies Wing

According to ABC News (that is the Australian Broadcast Corporation) Fox is set to make a number of Christian movies including an adaption of Milton's Paradise Lost and one on the Nativity Story.

Spokesman Steve Feldstein assures the company's just tapping into a massive US market:

"All of this programming is entertainment first. We're not in the business of proselytising or preaching." [Heaven forbid!]


  1. In spite of that rather silly comment, I think this can only be good thing for people of faith

  2. I don't know..........lok at what the other big corps have produced: Lots of 'Christian science' films with lots of gnostic insinuations.

    Once the money starts rolling in, so will the propaganda machine. It will depends who's in charge (though I gess Fox will)

    All that said, if you take a sneak peak at the nativity film, it doesn't look too bad I say....
