Friday, September 29, 2006

Journal of Theological Studies 57 (2006)

The latest issue of JTS 57 (2006) features the following articles:

Jean-Claude Haelewyck
The Relevance of the Old Latin Version for the Septuagint, with Special Emphasis on the Book of Esther

Michael F. Bird
The Markan Community, Myth or Maze? Bauckham's The Gospel for All Christians Revisited

C. M. Tuckett
Nomina Sacra in Codex E

Andrew Cain
Vox clamantis in deserto: Rhetoric, Reproach, and the Forging of Ascetic Authority in Jerome's Letters from the Syrian Desert

Dirk Krausmüller
Divine Self-Invention: Leontius of Jerusalem'S Reinterpretation of the Patristic Model of the Christian God

Theodora Antonopoulou
Eustathius of Antioch and a Fragment Attributed to Patriarch Photius

D. C. Parker
Review Article: The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration. By BRUCE M. METZGER and BART D. EHRMAN. Fourth Edition. Pp. xvi + 366. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005

1 comment:

  1. See...this just furthers my desire to go broke... Until today I only wanted to subscribe to JSOT and JSP. NOW I also want to subscribe to JOTS! Is there never an end? Good-bye, savings.
