Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Southern Baptist Statement of Cooperation

Towards the end of last week I had some correspondence with Wade Burleson (Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Oklahoma and a Trustee of the International Missions Board) who has taken a forthright stance on some issues transpiring in the SBC. I shared with Wade some ideas that myself and Joel Willitts have been working on in an essay-manifesto entitled, Solum Evangelium: Renewing Evangelicalism with the Evangel. The essay-manifesto is still in the editing stage and we hope to make it available in the near future, but Wade liked the paper so much that he incorporated elements of it in his post A Southern Baptist Statement of Cooperation. The "Statement" functions as a basis of unity for missionary cooperation in the SBC and is going to be presented to a forum of Baptist leaders. Join with me in prayer that this "Statement" will have a powerful and renewing effect in the SBC.

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