Tuesday, December 05, 2006


John Armstrong's Ministry ACT3 - Advancing the Christian Tradition in the Third Millennium has a new website and it always has some good articles to read. The aims of ACT3 are:

1. To advance worship in culturally accessible forms, through orthodox theology that is deeply rooted in the classical doctrine of the triune God and through humble collaboration and cooperation within the whole Christian Church.

2. To advance spiritual formation that renews and reforms the church by a growing love for God, neighbor and one another in the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church, so that the world may believe the Father sent the Son to save it.

3. To advance the mission of Christ’s kingdom by teaching believers and churches to engage both people and culture with the story of Jesus Christ.

You may not always agree with John's perspective, but he is possessed of genuine concern for renewal in the mainline denominations.

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