Thursday, January 04, 2007

Durham Cathedral Christmas Prayer

During my visit at Durham Cathedral I got a free bookmark which features this Xmas prayer on it:

God of love, in the coming of your Son at Christmas a great light has shone upon the world. May his light fill our hearts and our homes, bring peace and good will among the nations, and lead us to worship at his manger-throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
On a similar note, I've taken to reading the English Book of Common Prayer as Part of my Morning Devotionals and I am finding it most uplifting. I have certainly over come my phobia of written prayers this way. Although I cannot see my American friends praying for the good health of the Queen!


  1. Do you know where an English Book of Common Prayer can be purchased?

  2. Josiah, acquire one from your local Episcopalian Church or contact the prayer book society the U.S.A. I got mine from an Anglican Vicar who sent me a copy when I asked him.
