Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Around the Blogosphere

I was sad to hear that Reginald Fuller passed away. He wrote some interesting works on Christology, Resurrection, and a NT Intro. Always worth reading, don't always agree, but always worth reading.

The latest The Biblical Theology Briefings is also available with articles by Dan Strange (Oak Hill College, London) on "The Many-Splendoured Cross" and Mark Meynell (Senior Associate Minister, All Souls, Langham Place) on "The Shedding of Blood for a Sin-ravaged world: Personal Reflections on the Recent Atonement Debates".

Another Aussie has entered the blogosphere in Joe Mock in his blog Eden or Edan. Joe is Pastor of an Indonesian Presbyterian Church in Sydney. Greg Carey of Lancaster Theological Seminary has launched his own blog entitled NT Geeks. And Reformed/Charismatic Theologian Sam Storms also has a blog called Enjoying God Ministries.

And David Kirk is continuing his reflections on theological study.

I also have to include this cartoon for bloggers who are preachers too!

HT: Wade Burleson

1 comment:

  1. That's a GREAT comic! I can't stop laughing... Of course, the blog caption could also describe professors who blog. :)
