Saturday, June 02, 2007

Jewish Traditions in the Enochic Son of Man

According to G.W.E. Nickelsburg, the transcendent heavenly figure who dominates 1 Enoch 37-71, represents a remarkable syntheses of divine agents in Jewish thought:

1. Son of Man. Echoes of Daniel 7 obvious through 1 Enoch 46-47.

2. Servant of Yahweh. The naming of the mysterious figure (1 Enoch 48) is built on the call of the Servant of Yahweh from Isaiah 49 and the titles “Chosen One” and “Righteous One” are consonant with Isa 42.1 and 53.11. The enthronement of the Chosen One in 1 Enoch 62-63 is also reminiscent of Isaiah 52-53.

3. David. The David royal traditions of Isaiah 9 and Psalm 2 appear in 1 Enoch 48.8-10 where the figure is the executor of God’s justice against the rebel kings of the earth. David and the Enochic figure are both bearers of the Spirit of God (1 Enoch 49.3-4; 62.2-3).

4. Wisdom. As a pre-existent being, the Son of Man shares one of the characteristics of Wisdom.

George W.E. Nickelsburg, Ancient Judaism and Christian Origins: Diversity, Continuity, and Transformation (Minneaplis: Fotress, 2003), 104-5.

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