Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Top Five Books on Studying Revelation

Introduction: Craig Koester - Revelation and the End of All Things.

Commentary: Greg K. Beale - The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text.

Application:Craig S. Keener - The NIV Application Commentary: Revelation.

Theology: Richard Bauckham - The Theology of the Book of Revelation.

History of Interpretation: Christopher Rowland - Revelation Through the Centuries: The Apocalypse to Jesus Christ.


  1. What do you think of this book by Ben Witherington III?

  2. Very helpful post. Could you do more of these in the future? For instance I am planting a church, and in about three months time I will begin exposition of Luke-Acts. Could you give a similar breakdown for these books?

  3. Glenn: Haven't read BWIII's Revelation commentary in total, but I did like what he had to say about chapter 20 and the millennium.

    Mosbourne20: In the future I'll post a few more on these, maybe Luke-Acts in the near future.

  4. I have both Beale's and Keener's commentaries. I highly recommend them both.
