Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Back in Babylon

After five weeks in Australia, I have finally arrived back in the yorkshire pudding side of the world only to be greeted with a new outbreak of foot-n-mouth disease, a new Prime Minister, and a peculiar London day (peculiar in that there was a blue sky all around).


  1. Hi Mike!

    So you are back in Babylon! Is it true that Zion will fill the earth?

    But, more importantly, are you back on line?

    Just attended a lecture by Tremper Longman III on the Exodus - Bill Salier, Paul Williamson and Mark Thompson sat next to me...! There was also a special presentation to Bill Dumbrell of a bound volume of his articles published in RTR.

    Cheers, Sujomo

  2. Welcome home Mike! Home you enjoyed the break.
