I've noticed that a large number of biblioblog readers are Ph.D candidates (I know I was when I started reading biblioblogs). So if you're a Ph.D candidate and doing your thesis on NT studies or Christian Origins, feel free to email me and tell me in 500 words: where you're studying, why you're studying, and what you're studying. And then include a synopsis and outline of your thesis. I will then post it at Euangelion for all to see and behold.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find your email on the blog to email you so you might want to put that more visible if you want people to email you! :-)
I didn't look that hard though.
I'm doing an interdisciplinary Th.D. thing at Duke Divinity School. "Scripture and Leading Christian Communities." I'm just starting this fall - teaching myself German this summer. Love the blog. I read sometimes . . . often when I'm procrastinating.
I know you have kept a bibliography on the New Perspective, etc (H/T Mark Goodacre).
I was curious to hear your take on the new article in Christianity Today regarding the NP.
Scot McKnight is blogging about it today. I complained about the article to him that it was overly critical but he said it was good enough and that only you would have done better! :-)
New Perspective 1
Andy Rowell
Th.D. Student
Duke Divinity School
Blog: Church Leadership Conversations