Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Proof Reader Wanted

I am about a month away from finishing a manuscript for a book entitled, Crossing Over Sea and Land: Jewish Missionary Activity in the Second-Temple Period, and I am looking for some kind persons who would be interested in proof reading the manuscript. It is only about 40 000 words long, lots of detail on primary sources, but I have to say that it is probably not the most exciting book that you will ever read.
The story of this book is that I spent eight months researching evidence of and arguments about Jewish missionary activity in the pre-Christian period. It was a chapter of my Ph.D thesis which I sadly had to cut out when I turned the thesis into a book. But I swore that since I learned so much from my research on this subject that one day I would turn the omitted chapter into a small book in its own right. This is the end product.


  1. Hey Michael,

    I would love to proofread the book for you :)


  2. Sounds interesting! I could give it a read for you.

  3. I'm not going to volunteer, but I wish you would post on the topic.

    What is your basic thesis? Have you turned up evidence that is usually neglected?

    John Hobbins

  4. Well, I don't have the time to officially proof read it, but I'd still love to read it, so you can email me the manuscript anyway?

    Cheeky I know, but worth a shot! Thanks Mike!

  5. Hi Mike,

    Too esoteric for someone like to help proof read.

    Why do you have the hyphen in "Second-Temple"?

    cheers, Sujomo

  6. Wow--you are really churning these out!


    I can't tell you how excited I am about your book on Jesus and the Gentile Origin.

    God bless!

  7. I'll proofread. Looks interesting. I've got a broken foot and I'm sitting on my rump most of the day reading anyway :). Might as well do myself and someone else some good while I'm at it! Let me know. You can find my email here.

  8. I would love to proof read, but I will not be able to start on it until the middle of September. Is that when you need proof readers? Just let me know!

    My contact E-mail is at the top of this page.
