And who says New Testament scholars and Theologians can't get along?
This photo is taken from my recent trip back to Zion (aka Australia) where I was able to reacquaint myself with the sun, a decent Merlot that did not taste like the juice of a rotten French turnip, and my good friend the Rt. Rev. Dr. Ben Myers. Our families got together for a lovely dinner and some great fellowship. I look forward to doing it again at San Diego where Ben will be giving the inaugural address for the "Self-Appointed Guardians of Orthodoxy" working-group at AAR and a paper on "Why Karl Barth would be a Republican" for the Karl Barth Society. At a recent conference in Edinburgh, Bruce McCormack told me that "Ben runs the best theology blog on the internet" so check out his blog Faith and Theology if you want a good run down on some (Barthianesque) theology and reflections about that boring musician Bob Dylan.
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