I have always said that the last topic in NT studies that I'd ever get involved in (besides an eco-eskimo-evangelical reading of Philemon) is the Son of Man debate. I get motion sickness by reading books and articles on the subject. Nevertheless, as part of my current research project (Are You the One Who is to Come? The Historical Jesus and the Messianic Question) I have to explore some (if any) of the messianic derivations and connotations of the 'Son of Man' in relation to Jesus. Does anyone have a spare copy of Maurice Casey's new book floating around cause here we go ...
You simply can't avoid this then:
My only piece of advice (having stepped into that quagmire myself in the past) is this: don't get lost in the sea of philological pseudo-science, but make your mantra this: CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT!!! That is the only path out of the jungle that has grown up around that phrase. It is remarkable the extent to which discussions of the expression have so frequently ignored the contexts in which it occurs.
ReplyDeleteOh, yeah, and, in addition, pay attention to Psalm 8 and the connections between David and Adam while you're at it.
You, indeed, need a lot of prayers my friend:)
ReplyDeleteThe titles of your books get more and more appetizing!