Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break in Florida

The time in Florida was great and it proved to be a much needed time of recreation and refreshment. The weather was incredible upper 70's every day and sunshine. I was able to take Zion to his first Yankees game. He did great, although it took him a couple of days to recover.
The time with family was full as Zion and Mary met their cousins and aunt and uncle for the first time. My mom and her husband Craig were very generous providing more than we needed.
Not only did we spend time with my family, but we visited with some of our closest friends in the world, the Terry and Wendi Russell. We met them over a decade ago while in Youth Ministry. The Russell's were key volunteers in our ministry in Dunedin, FL in the late nineties and we have been like family ever since. Terry and Wendi have both had successful careers in the health care industry and are devoted Christ-followers. Of all our friends we have the most fun with Terry and Wendi. These days they have a small horse ranch in central Florida and live on the intercoastal in a town called Redington Shores.
We also introduced the twins to our the beach. Zion especially loved to eat the sand and Mary talked to the Seagulls.
We're back in Chicago where we are experiencing a Spring snow storm.


  1. Joel,

    Lovely photos of the kids!

    Oh gosh I miss sunshine and beaches not made of stone and sub-zero waters.

  2. Zion and Mary are so big now! I'm glad you all got to rest and enjoy the Florida sunshine. Have a happy Easter!

  3. That guy on the beach doesn't look like the astute biblical scholar I know! Just kidding, it looks like you had a relaxing time, Happy Easter!
