Thursday, July 17, 2008

Archbishop goes Troppo

Thanks to Ruth Gledhill of the Times, I have to post this photo of Rowan Williams. I would like to have a caption competition. Let me get the ball rolling:

1. Scottish Alcoholic: "Och Ai laddy, kin ya git me nother wee drum of lafroy?"

2. Insane apocalypticism: "Ha ha ha ha ... you fools ... the end is nigh ... ha ha ha ... GAFCON will destroy us all ... ha ha ha ... Gene Robinson ... TEC ... repent I tells you, repent ... before we all perish ... ha ha ha ... it is the end I says ... EPA ... EEEEPA."

3. Health: "Why I'm fine your majesty, no sleep and much medication make Rowy a most happy boy."


  1. Jack Nicholson and 'The Shining' comes to mind.

  2. Mike, I do believe that your comic genius cannot be surpassed. However, in a pathetic attempt to do just that: "Glory be! I have finally found the magic golden eyebrow clippers I've been searching for!!"

  3. Mike,

    Only one hand the photo taken at a urinal in London? If so..."AAHHHHHHHHHH"

  4. "Cadel Evans is leading the Tour? Really? wait, he's not Welsh is he?"

  5. Peter Jensen wants to do a pulpit swap?

  6. Wow, Archbishop Rowan is clearly enjoying this whole "I get to lead the Lambeth Conference" thing, isn't he? Enjoying it alot.

  7. After a long conference the new Captain Birdseye has faced the press!
