Friday, July 11, 2008

Tyndale Fellowship 2008

I just got back from the Tyndale Fellowship conference in Cambridge which was an excellent time dedicated to the study of 1-2 Peter.  The list of papers can be viewed here. Highlights for me were the discussions of missiological perspectives, papers on the authorship of 2 Peter, and the use of the OT in 1 Peter. Richard Bauckham presented an extended paper on Jesus and the Eyewitnesses in the Gospel of Mark (in fact, Bauckham is planning a follow up book to his Jesus and the Eyewitnesses that gives a more exegetical substantiation to his view of eyewitness testimony in the Gospel of Mark). Markus Bockmuehl gave an extended paper on the so-called anti-Paulinism of the Pseudo-Clementines. It was quite convincing on the whole that Simon Magus is not a cipher for Paul. I gave the annual Tyndale Fellowship NT Lecture for this year on "New Testament Theology Re-Loaded: Integrating Christian Origins and Biblical Theology". It was well received, although, several members of the Christian Doctrine group had a few good questions about the relationship between biblical theology and systematic theology. Next years NT group meeting will focus on NT ethics.

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