Friday, September 19, 2008

Topics that bore me

In the land of theological, biblical, and religious studies, I find the following subjects boring unto death:

5. Greek accents.
4. Queer hermeneutics.
3. Divine aseity.
2. The ANE roots of Hebrew words.
1. Baptist Church History.


  1. What killed any like of Baptist History for me was the text we used for my Baptist History class, Henry C. Veder's, "A Short History of the Baptists." It was dreadful.

    And it's reassuring to know that my dislike of Greek accents isn't just something I have because I'm a bad undergrad.

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  3. I once read a sixteen page article on Luke-Acts or Luke/Acts. 16 pages arguing over a - or a / very prosaic if you ask me!

  4. Ironically, there was just a post on Greek accents at Dunhelm Road.

  5. Surely you jest. Baptist history, boring?

    Yes. Mind-numbingly so. I've tried for 10 minutes to think of something more boring, but I can't.

    Even if you were doomed to repeat it, nothing would happen.

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