The latest Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51.2 (2008) out is available. I think this is the best issue that I've seen for some time!
A Critical Analysis of the Evidence from Ralph Hawkins for a Late-Date Exodus-Conquest.
Rodger C. Young and Bryant G. Wood.The Date of the Exodus-Conquest Is Still an Open Question: A Response to Rodger Young and Bryant Wood. K. HawkinsThe Gospel in the Gospels: Answering the Question "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" from the Gospels.
Edmund K. Neufeld[Excellent discussion on pp. 292-96 and he argues that "saving obedience" is a necessary condition of salvation in Synoptic perspective].
Paul and the Testimonia: Quo Vademus?
David Lincicum
[Argues, contra Charles Stanley, that while Paul had access to traditional materials and digests of OT texts, his engagement with Scripture cannot be reduced to reliance upon a testimonia or excerpta source.]
Is Paul's Gospel Counterimperial?Evaluating the Prospects of the "Fresh Perspective" for Evangelical Theology.
Denny Burke[My good friend Denny gives a critique of overly politicized readings of Paul. While I am certain that there is a theopolitical aspect to Paul's gospel (see my Bird's Eye-View of Paul), Denny offers a good critique of inappropriate use of parallels, the views of Richard Horsley, and some exegetical gymnastics done with Rom. 13.1-7 to try make it sound anti-imperial! I think Denny is a little too eager to defend America from charges of imperialism (see pp. 328-30), but it is still a good counter-point to much current discussion].
Shouting in the Apocalypse: The Influence of First-Century Acclamations on the Praise Utterances in Revelation 4:8 and 11.
David SealNew Testament Interpretation of the Old Testament: The Theological Rationale of Midrashic Exegesis.
Martin Pickup[This article would have been more useful had it been published in JETS in 1982! Anyway, Pickup argues that midrash rather than a grammatical-historical approach is the best way to understand NT handling of the OT. He states: "The ancient Jewish hermeneutic subsumes the various proposals that evangelicals traditionally have offered as solutions to problematic cases of NT exegesis. The concepts of generic promise, corporate solidarity, typology, sensus plenior, and canonical process reading all find a place within teh midrashic framework, for they serve to highlight the ways iin which the interconnections of God's revelation may occur, and these interconnections are what permit a midrashic reading" p. 379].
Dear Mike,
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving me some critical feedback on that article before publication. And thanks for the shout out on your blog!
I am interested in Burk`s article can this be accessed via the web using University access as I am studying the subject as part of my MA in Theology