Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bird vs. Crossley - Part 1: On Premier Christian Radio

On Monday James Crossley and I discussed and debated on the programme Unbelievable on Premier Christian Radio in London. It was good fun (James was well behaved for the most part) . James and I did a web-tv interview and a two part radio programme with Justin Brierly. The first part of the radio debate is now on the PCR link above. There we discuss, did Jesus believe he was God and does the resurrection explain the origins of Christianity?

Oh Gosh, do I really sound like that!


  1. Yeah you DO sound like that, and have as long as I've known of you (QBCM days). It's not difficult to listen to though. Great to hear a good Aussie accent speaking.

    I remember that production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Ahh the memories. :)

    Really enjoyed the rhetoric on the podcast. Looking forward to the next installments.

    I haven't looked at this sort of stuff for far too long. Thanks for doing it.

    BTW are you suffering, like most of us, from this bracing (aka bleedin cold) Scottish weather? Was that you coughing in the background on the podcast? Hope you shake it soon if it was.

  2. Thanks for pointing to this, Michael. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
