Monday, January 05, 2009

Call for Papers - Tyndale Conference 2009

The Tyndale Fellowship's triennial conference is going to be held in Cambridge during the 6th - 10th July 2009. This years theme is "New Testament and Ethics". Richard Burridge (Kings College, London) will be giving a presentation in relation to his book Imitating Jesus: An Inclusive Approach to NT Ethics, with responses from John Nolland (Trinity College, Bristol) and Michael Thompson (Ridley Hall, Cambridge). The annual Tyndale Fellowship New Testament lecture will be given by Roland Deines (Nottingham University).

There are still several spots available for papers although preference will be given to papers proposed on NT and Ethics. Anyone wishing to propose a paper for the NT group should email myself (michael.bird[AT] before the end of January 2009. Areas that the program team would like to see are:

(a) Where are we with Caesar (questions of emperor cult, Romans 13, public Christianity, etc.)?
(b) Where are we with grace versus law in Pauline ethics?

Further information on the programm and presenters will be made available at the conference website.

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