Monday, February 16, 2009

Jim Hamilton on the Centre of Biblical Theology

I am currently reading through Schreiner's massive new New Testament Theology. I should also mention that my buddy Jim Hamilton has two articles on the centre of biblical theology which are available on-line:

The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment: The Centre of Biblical Theology? Tyndale Bulletin (2006). (I'm glad he's finally learned to spell "judgment" using the Queens's English!).

The Center of Biblical Theology in Acts: Deliverance and Damnation Display the Divine,” Themelios 33.3 (2008), 34-47.

Those students at HTC doing Luke-Acts with me should read the Themelios essay by Hamilton since it touches upon their assigned essay topic on the soteriology of Luke-Acts!

1 comment:

  1. I pulled up the first article, but couldn't finish it...The Bible has some real problems when it comes to understanding God/human...

    Human respond to punishment at the first level of moral development. This level does not breed "duty based" ethics, or does it breed critical thinking.

    Christian theology for the most part has been a justification of understanding "a way of life"...and depending on the Protestant denomination's belief, determines how that is intprepreted.
    Catholicism is another structuring after authority of the Church...The Jews understood themselves as "God's people". But, if God's people are the persecuted, then, isn't theology really a way to affrim value to those "outside the scope of political and social power"?

    Theology should never be used to affirm one's superiority over another, but it has...and continues to do so, justifying it is God's name.
