Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Paternoster 2009 Catalogue

In the latest Paternoster 2009 Catalogue on-line you can find some really good books including, on page 3, the forthcoming The Faith of Jesus Christ edited by myself and Preston M. Sprinkle. This will be one of THE books of 2009 I have to say. I do not know for sure when it is due to be released in the USA by Hendrickson.


  1. The blurb for the FJC on page in the Paternoster catalogue reads,

    ‘The Faith of Jesus Christ represents the most penetrating and comprehensive attempt
    to date to grapple with the significance of Jesus’ faithfulness and obedience for Christian
    salvation and the extent to which it is represented in key biblical texts’.

    This is certainly no understatement. As one who has followed the debate for some time, I can attest that there is genuine groundbreaking work in here. The PX debate will literally never be the same.

    Debbie Hunn's chapter is the best and most up-to-trade survey of the debate available... And that's only the beginning!

    (Mike, please forward me 1 cent per book sold for this comment. Thank you.)

    Well done!

    Michael (because I have to sign in through blogger)

  2. I just realized that my comment should read, ‘that's no OVERstatement’.

    : )
