Saturday, February 21, 2009

Two Bargain Books at Wesley-Owen

For those in the UK, in the latest Wesley-Owen catalogue there is a stack of Paternoster books going cheap as chips which I recommend:

1. Tim Chester, From Creation to New Creation - excellent for giving small groups and Sunday school classes an introduction to the biblical storyline. (RRP £8.99, Now £4.50). Blurb: "The Bible is the story of God's salvation. Despite our fall into sin, and the recurrent rejection of God's rule, God promised to make Abraham into a 'great nation' and to 'bless' him. Yet what does this mean? How are we to interpret this promise of salvation? Looking at God's covenantal promises with Abraham, Moses and David, Tim Chester presents the 'big picture'? of the Bible and helps Christians understand the part in relation to the whole."

2. Petrus Grabe, New Covenant, New Community - the best introduction to the concept of covenant in the Bible, Second Temple Jewish literature, and Patristic literature that I've seen. (RRP £ 17.99, Now £ 8.99). Blurb: "The concept of 'covenant' is a crucial component in understanding God and his actions throughout salvation history. New Covenant, New Community looks at covenant in the Old and New Testaments and the history of Christian interpretation, and makes a substantial contribution to biblical theological studies in this area. What are the elements of continuity and discontinuity in terms of the covenant concept between the Old and New Testaments? Can we truly speak of a 'new' covenant that is distinct from the old? What are the implications of a biblical understanding of covenant for the community of faith - then and now? These are just a few of the many questions Grabe addresses in this far-reaching, well-researched and highly accessible study."

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