Tuesday, March 03, 2009

New Layout

As I am a man of the people, I have capitulated to the requests of the masses and changed the background at Euangelion (this caused me great pain as I really liked the black background). Please tell me what you think.


  1. You'll really make a few folks happy if you put a large white "X" in the background!

  2. I think white on blue is as bad as, if not worse than, white on black...sorry!

    I think the consensus (where people expressed a view) is not white on anything but dark text on a light background.

    But it's your blog. As with many, I read it via an RSS reader these days.

    Oh and keep up the good work, too.

  3. It looks good Mike but I think you may need to look at the banner. It is too big.

  4. Listen to a little AC/DC and then tell me if you shouldn't go "back in black". Better no change than a sub-par one, frankly.

    The only change I would consider is reducing some of the side content, perhaps linking to your homepage or some such. Your blog consistently has more data on it than most others, and when I'm on slower computers, this site contributes to crashes on a regular basis.

  5. I prefer the old color...black.

  6. Your blog is essential reading and will be whatever colour you put it in.

    My preference is for dark type on a light background. i think this is something to do with the fact that I like books that generally feature back text on white paper.

    Maybe a blog about books (and journal articles) should ape the format of a book.

    So keep up the good work - in whatever colour you like best

  7. Oh, I know the pain! I too had to change my lovely black background due to peer pressure. But don't worry: the pain gos away in the end--though I still cry myself to sleep some times. ;-)

  8. Ah, my old eyes are so much happier. This is a star in your crown.

  9. Very good improvement Michael. I liked the b/w one personally but these colors are much easier on the eyes.

  10. I prefer the black. In fact, my original blog on blogger (I now use wordpress) was black with white typing, but I changed it because of complaints. Sigh.

  11. I think you should go red text on red background so that it reminds your readers of Jesus' blood every time they arrive on your blog. Besides, with red on red, you'll have to highlight the text to see it, which speaks of the mystery of Euangelion. Which brings me to my next point. Why is the blog title a noun, but the URL a verb?

  12. You've gone all wishy-washy. It is more Neil Diamond than Johnny Cash.

  13. Mike, With your personality this dark blue blog is a wee bit dull. Ill have to grade it sir as a C3!!!
    I know your can do better.

  14. I listened to the people and changed from black. It made people stop reading my blog, I think. The people are a menace. Listen to them not!

  15. Please change it back to black. It's favorite color. I do not even recognize this site any more.

  16. I see a red dress and I want to paint it black..........

    Really I did prefer the black background.

    Back in Black!

  17. I preferred the black. I do think that you need more pink, however.

  18. Mike. Hi from Tasmania. I read you blog all the time and I find it easy to read. Not sure that the "black to blue" has made that much difference.

    But may I respectfully suggest that you use more paragraph breaks. A whole screenful of text can be a bit daunting at times. It's always worth reading. But it could be easier.

    BTW. I love your Birds-eye book. I've done a few talks at various churches down here and have reviewed your book suggesting that all should buy it.

  19. Mike,

    A very late reply, because I normally read your blog via a feed aggregator, but I am finding the blue background easier to read.

    I think the problem is that when you design your own blog, you *know* what it says, so you don't try to read it - you just look at what it looks like. When other people read it, all they care about is how easy the text is for them to read. :-(
