Many of you know the tricky grammatical and exegetical problems surrounding Rom. 9.5 (compare the RSV and NIV and spot the difference that a comma makes). One very good article on this subject is Hans-Christian Kammler, ‘Die Prädikation of Jesu Christi als „Gott“ and die paunlinische Christologie: Erwägungen zur Exegese von Röm 9,5b.’ ZNW 92 (2003): 164-80. Kammler does a fine job of situating Rom. 9.5 in relation to the wider array of evidence in Pauline christology in Romans. On-line here at pay per view.
I like the new look much better!
ReplyDelete... and thanks for the reference...
This morning I am reading N.T. Wright on Rom. 9-11, several books of his including Climax and Justification (2009). His approach is certainly different from the old pre-mil, post-mil, a-mil, stuff I was exposed to in school eons ago. Reminds me of some funny anecdotes about Waltke when he was at Dallas, how the students would discuss his framework with awe and wonder out loud what he was doing at Dallas. This was nearly 40 years ago.