Sunday, April 05, 2009

German Commentaries on the New Testament

Here's a question for you Neuetestamentlichers. I would like to make a list of the best scholarly New Testament commentaries in German currently available. Could I please request that you make suggestions and especially those of you who are Continental readers. 


  1. Wilckens on Romans and Schrage on 1 Corinthians

  2. I recently bought
    Hans Bayer "Das Evangelium des Markus"

    which I consider quite good.

  3. *Rudolf Schnackenburg on John (Das Johannesevangelium) in Herder's THKNT
    *Jacob Jervell on Acts (Apostelgeschichte)in KEK
    *Ulrich Wilckens on Romans (Der Brief an die Römer) in EKK
    *Wolfgang Schrage on 1 Corinthians (Der erste Brief an die Korinther)in EKK
    *Peter Stuhlmacher on Philemon (Der Brief an Philemon) in EKK
    *Leonard Goppelt on First Peter (Der erste Petrusbrief) in KEK
    *Georg Strecker on the Letters of John (Die Johannesbriefe) in KEK

  4. Depending on what precisely „scholarly“ means and based on my limited knowledge (I’m not a “Neutestamentler” but a historian):

    Mt: Luz (EKK)
    Lk: Bovon (EKK)
    Jo: Schnelle (ThHK); Wilckens (NTD)
    Apg: Jervell (KEK)
    Ro: Haacker ThHK); Michel KEK); Stuhlmacher (NTD); Wilckens (EKK)
    1Cor: Schnabel (HTA); Schrage (EKK); Wolff (ThHK);
    2Cor: Wolff (ThHK)
    Eph: Pkorny (ThHK); Schnackenburg (EKK)
    Kol: Lohse (KEK); Pkorny (ThHK); Schweizer (EKK)
    Phlm: Lohse (KEK); Pkorny (ThHK); Stuhlmacher (EKK)
    1Thess: Haufe (ThHK)
    1Tim: Neudorfer (HTA); Roloff (EKK)
    Hebr: Michel (KEK), Strobel (NTD)
    1Pe: Goppelt (EKK); Schrage (NTD)
    2Pe: Paulsen (KEK)
    Jud: Paulsen (KEK)
    Jak: Maier (HTA); Mußner (HThK); Popkes (ThHK)
    1Jo: Klauck (EKK)
    2Jo: Klauck (EKK)
    3Jo: Klauck (EKK)
    Offb: Giesen (RNT); Roloff (ZBK)

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    These are excellent suggestions! Keep them coming friends.

  6. On Matthew:

    *Wolfgang Wiefel, Das Evangelium nach Matthaus
    *Joachim Gnilka, Das Matthausevangelium: Erste Teil

    I trust Dr. Willitts is familiar with these volumes. I have found them to be quite good.

  7. I recently used this fine study:
    Michael Wolter, Das Lukasevangelium (HNT 5; Mohr Siebeck, 2008).

    Also worth mentioning are the two in the Papyrologische Kommentare zum Neuen Testament series edited by Peter Arzt-Grabner & et al: Philemon (2003) and 1. Korinther (2006)

  8. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Keep the suggestions coming!

  9. I still think Heinrich Schlier's commentary on Galatians is one of the best around--English or German! Also, Wolfgang Schenk's commentary on Philippians is highly neglected, but very good (especially in Phil 3). Schrage is good for 1 Cor, but even native German speakers say it's tough to read.

  10. The almost obstinate commentary on Das Johannesevangelium of Hartwig Thyen ( in: Handbuch zum NT; Mohr Siebeck) is worth mentioning

  11. Just adding some of the more "helpful" ones I found for the Corinthian correspondence.

    1 Kor:
    – A. Lindemann, Der Erste Korintherbrief. Handbuch zum Neuen Testament 9/1. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2000.
    – H. Merklein, Der erste Brief an die Korinther. Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament 7. Gütersloher: Gütersloher Verlaghaus Gerd Mohn; Würzburg: Echter, 1992, 2000, 2005. [Bd. 7.1 1–4 (1992); Bd. 7.2 5,1–11,1 (2000); Bd. 7.3 11,2–16,24 (2005)].

    2 Kor:
    – H. Windisch, Der zweite Korintherbrief. Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar über das Neue Testament 69. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1924.
    – E. Gräßer, Der zweite Brief an die Korinther. Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum Neuen Testament 8. Gütersloher: Gütersloher Verlaghaus Gerd Mohn; Würzburg: Echter, 2002, 2005. [Bd. 8.1 Kapitel 1,1–7,16 (2002); Bd. 8.2 Kapitel 8,1–13,13 (2005)].

  12. P.S.:

    Some additions (among them some more recent ones I don't really know, but which should be important)

    Mt: Wiefel (ThHK 1998)

    Mk: Pesch (HThK)

    Lk: Klein (KEK 2005); Schürmann (HThK); Wiefel (ThHK); Wolter (HNT 2008)

    Ro: Lohse (KEK 2003)

    1Cor: Lindemann (HNT 2000)

    Eph: Hübner (HNT 1997)

    Kol: Hübner (HNT 1997)

    Phlm: Hübner (HNT 1997)

    Hebr: Weiss (KEK)

    1/2Pe & Jude: Schelkle (HThK)

    Jak: Burchard (HNT 2000)

    And as you've asked for the best, some classics should be mentioned as well: Schlatter's scholarly commentaries. Most of them are still worth reading, especially the ones on the epistles (Ro; 1/2Cor; 1/2Tim & Tit; 1Pe; Ja), even though the German is very demanding even when you are a native speaker.

  13. series which are being expanded:

    *Commentaar op het Nieuwe Testament (Uitgeverij Kok Kampen)
    *Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (Neukirchener Verlag / Patmos Verlag)
    *Handbuch zum Neuen Testament (Mohr Siebeck Tuebingen)
    *Historisch-Theologische Auslegung; Neues Testament (Brockhaus Verlag Wuppertal; Brunnen Verlag Giessen)
    *Kritisch-Exegetischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Goettingen)
    *Oekumenischer Taschenbuch Kommentar zum Neuen Testament (Guetersloher Verlagshaus Guetersloh)
    *Regensburger Neues Testament (Pustet Verlag, Regensburg)
    *Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig)
