The latest issue of JETS is now out with an important article by Dan Wallace on NT Text Criticism titled "Challenges in New Testament Textual Criticism for the Twenty-First Century". The article was his address this past year at the ETS annual meeting in Boston.
Also, this issue includes reviews of both my book Matthew's Messianic Shepherd-King (154-56) and Michael's SROG (173-75).
In addition, I reviewed an important book titled Elements of Ancient Jewish Nationalism by David Goodblatt (129-32).
ReplyDeleteWhat is said in my SROG review and who did the review?
Hi Mike,
ReplyDeletePaul A. Rainbow of Sioux Falls Seminary reviewed your book. It's a fair review, I suppose. Here are a couple of things he observes:
"Most problematic is the chapter on imputation.That union with Christ is the basis for believer's sharing his righteousness was recognized by Luther, Calvin, and the cream of their theological heir, not least H. Riddermos. Who exactly, then, alledgedly construes imputat as an "isolated gift without relating it to Paul's Christ-centered Theology (he quoted you)...At least Bird's corporate stress lends cogency to his rebuttals of the shrill "new perspective" charge that imputations entails an individualizing of soteriology."
Rainbow concludes the review by acknowledging the importance of SROG, "Michael Bird's Saving Righteousness offers a retrospect on advances and blunders of the "new perspective," digested by a mind that also values and conserves the essential gains of the Reformation. For this service he deserves our gratitude." However, elsewhere, he comments that there are " a few repetitions and inconsistencies" and that you "play the peacemaker" between the New Perspective and Reformed Tradition.